Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What can I say...a picture speaks a thousand words and we just wanted to show off how cute our baby boy is! James is the love of our lives.



  1. Oh my gosh! First of all, he is adorable! It makes me feel like I love newborns again! The picture of Jonathan holding James is like looking at Jonathan as a baby. I can' believe how much alike they look in that picture. I love it! I can hardly wait to hold that little tiny. I am so glad you finally posted more pictures! Keep up the good work!

  2. he's so stinkin cute, and he looks like he grew a ton already!! I need to come see him before he gets any bigger

  3. oh i want to see him so badly! we have been throwing sickness around our house and don't want to bring it to you guys though. he is adorable! i love his fuzzy hair. gage had that and i miss it. :) congratulations!
